ای عایشه ! فروتن باش که خداوند متعال، فروتنان را دوست می دارد و گردن کشان را دشمن می دارد. [رسول خدا صلی الله علیه و آله]

ارسال شده توسط active iptv در 95/9/29:: 11:47 صبح

Premium IPTV Channels

IPTV Channels:

Active IPTV supports a wide range of channels from Arabic, French, English, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Persian, Indian, and channels accross the Globe. With Active IPTV you can watch Europe, BEIN, AMOS, Asian Channels, Algerian Channels, Chineese channels, MAGHREB TV, OSN and many more channels.

Active IPTV supports more than 2500 channels VOD


ACTIVE IPTV supports a wide range of devices like Enigma, MAG, SMART TV, Linux, Windows, Android, KODI, Smart TV, VLC, BOXES, M3U, and IOS and many more...

Active IPTV supports your device.


ACCTIVE IPTV  has gathered a friendly and dedicated support team to answer your quries and receive your comments as soon as possible. Our team are from different countries around the world and are available 24/7. Just email us or contact us through our site, skype or whats app.

ACTIVE IPTV provides free trials to make you sure of the quality of our services, no disconnection, no buffering. All stable channels.

IF you are too busy to sit in front of TV, try our Mobile friendly packages which enables you to watch your favorite channels even at work. you just need an Android or IOS device.
source : iptv

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