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ارسال شده توسط active iptv در 95/9/29:: 11:48 صبح

viewing iptv with vlc player

tutorial on how to watch IPT with VLC player

Greetings dear friends and companions of ACTIVE IPTV

With following IPTV tutorial you can easily run and watch IPTV channels and programs on your Windows or any operating system that has the ability to install Vlc player. Initially, download and install the application vlc player the software from the original site of this application. Home Site Software: http://www.videolan.org/vlc

After downloading the software, install it on your system.

After installing the application VLC player to watch your IPTV channels.

Open VLC palyer and in the top menu (tabs) Click on the media then click on the open Network stream.

There are several areas of in the box open media which is opened. You should go to the Network account and then just copy and paste in the URL line. Please enter a network URL. In the last resort Click on the Play button.

After the above steps, you can easily see the IPTV channels through VLC player software.

An alternative approach to watch iptv with vlc software, it is that perhaps you have a file with the extension m3u and you want to watch it with this software.

To view the files simply, right-click the file, for example iptv.m3u and open it with application vlc player Or run vlc program  And then drag the file on vlc player. drop drag & drop. That"s it.

Note: To be able to see the channel list you must use the key combination Ctrl + L.

I hope this tutorial on how to watch IPT with VLC player is useful


source : iptv

کلمات کلیدی : iptv

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